My family had their summer swim championships a few weeks ago and as you can see from the pictures they all did very well. We were very proud of them and they were thrilled with their medals. As you can see Olivia got a gold and a silver medal, we were watching the Olympics and she was saying her medals looked just like the ones Michael Phelps won and of course Steve and I agreed. We are so proud of her, swimming is very early on Saturday mornings and Olivia doesn't always like to get up but she does despite some of the moaning and groaning
We are in full gear for back to school and looking forward to the first day. We just have a few more things on the supply list and she will be ready. I interviewed for a position within my company and found out last week that I got the job. I will now be working a three day workweek and this position is in the office as a coordinator. I am looking forward to the change and the new challenge. Olivia will have to got to aftercare at school for those three days which will be an adjustment for her as she is used to me being home to get her off the bus, but I am sure she will be fine.
As far as the adoption goes we have received the contract and will be signing this week we were much more cautious this time and went through it with a fine tooth comb. I guess we are a little nervous, as most of the monies we had paid for the Vietnam adoption were lost. We still are moving ahead, once the contract is signed will receive the packet with the actual paperwork requirements and off we will go. That is all for now. Hope all is well with everyone.Enjoy the last days of summer
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